Written on Wednesday, 26th January 2011 by James Mercier
Categories: Blog, Gold Watches, Mens Watches, Sports Watches, Titanium Watches
As the most romantic day of the year approaches many men are scouring the Internet for rings to propose with and other beautiful jewellery to give as gifts to their wives, girlfriends and partners on February the 14th. However for women it can be much harder to find a romantic, thoughtful, functional present to give.
Aside from the usual DIY tools, car accessories and edible gifts one of the modern, popular gifts for men is as simple as the wristwatch. Watches perform multiple tasks, not least telling the time, but watches are also symbols of status at work and amongst friends. Choosing a timepiece that reflects his personality as well as your budget can be an easy decision that will give him a gift he can wear and treasure. It might help him be on time when he’s supposed to meet you for dinner as well. (more…)